Frontenac House presents

this is the cover for A Bad Year for Journalists, my new book of poetry coming out this spring - Neil Petrunia took the photo of the Chinese resto & photoshopped it to be this great eerie green colour.
kudos to my excellent editor Rose Scollard & her design team at Frontenac House. if you're in Calgary or Toronto in late April, mark your calendar for two blow-out launch parties, where i'll be reading with three really excellent Frontenac House writers - Ali Riley, Nancy Jo Cullen (who has written a book about Calgary's famous madame, Pearl) and Ven Begamudré. there will be wine, doorprizes, & (logically enough) lots books!
the two dates to remember are: April 20th, for the Calgary launch of Quartet 2006, at Memorial Park Library, 1221-12 Ave, SW, Calgary, starting at 19h, and April 24th for the Toronto launch at the Edward Day Gallery, 19h also. now if i can just get my Canadian passport renewed in time for my flight...